New Chick Care Guide
Welcome to the world of new chick care! At Sugar Feather Farm, we are dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and support you need to raise healthy and happy feathered friends. Our care guide is a result of collaboration with top veterinarians, nutritionists, and industry experts.
Preparing for Arrival
Before the arrival of your chicks, it's essential to have a cozy brooder set up.
Whether getting chicks or broilers, receiving chicks is when the fun begins! Your brooder set up (where the chick will be living for the first 2-3 weeks of their life) will be the foundation of your chick’s growth and development performance. While in the brooder, chicks need enough living, feeder space, and waterer space to help encourage feed and water intake.
When preparing your brooder, it’s imperative that you a have a plan. The brooder should be set up 24 hours before chicks arrive. The brooder should be cleaned out between groups and set up with fresh bedding. Day old chicks don’t have an immune system when they arrive. Feeders and waterers should be cleaned and sanitized between groups to reduce the potential spread of disease. A reliable heat source is crucial for chick health and development because chicks aren’t able to maintain their internal body temperature. The brooder should have a reliable heat source like an infrared heat lamp or propane heater to help control temperature. Turn on the heat source 24 hours before chicks arrive. This will give the bedding, feed, and water time to warm up before chick arrival.
Minimizing Stress After Chicks' Transportation
It is crucial to minimize the stress experienced by chicks during transportation, particularly when they are being shipped through the mail. Ideally, the duration of their transit should be less than two days. During this time, the chicks are constantly being moved around and are not in a temperature-controlled environment, which can be immensely stressful for them.
Once you pick up the chicks from the post office, it is essential to ensure a warm and comfortable environment for them in your vehicle. Avoid rolling down the windows, as this can create a cold draught that could potentially chill the vulnerable chicks. Maintaining a warm and stable temperature inside the vehicle is vital to prevent any adverse effects on the chicks' health and well-being.
By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the stress and potential health risks associated with the transportation of chicks, ultimately ensuring their safe and healthy arrival at their destination.
Before placing chicks in the brooder, dip their beaks in water which will help them find water and encourage them to drink. Water is an essential nutrient for all living creatures, and water consumption drives feed consumption. Water temperature should be around 80⁰F. If water is colder, it will reduce chick’s internal body temperature, chilling them. To the first water given to chicks, put 1 cup of sugar and 1 oz (2 tbsp) of apple cider vinegar per gallon of water. Sugar in the water will encourage chick to drink and the apple cider vinegar is a natural electrolyte source. This will give chicks an extra boost.
Brooding Phase
Brooding is the lift off phase of chick development. Chicks are in the brooder for 14 - 21 days depending on location and climate. The first 14 days of life are the building blocks of chick development and will set them up for later in life. During these first 14 days, a chick’s skeletal, muscular, neurological, and digestive systems are developing rapidly, so extra care needs to be taken during this time. If you’re seeing mortality from day 3-7 days, this usually suggests early brooder management problems such as the temperature in the brooder was too low, or chicks didn’t find feed and water soon enough. The main objective in the first few hours of chick placement is to get them to eat and drink. If chicks start to act listless, fluffed up feathers, cold this could be a sign of Coccidiosis, the #1 killer of chicks. Prevention is key but sometimes unavoidable. This will need to be treated as soon as possible to prevent spread and mortality.
Chick’s need adequate space to live, eat, and drink. Start with ¼ square foot (ft2) of living space per chick for the first week increasing ¼ ft2 per chick per week. If chicks will be in the brooder for 3 weeks, you’ll need ¾ ft2 per bird. Crowding the birds for the first 72 hours to ¼ ft2 per chick will help them find food and water faster. For the first 72 hours, lay out brown paper or corrugated cardboard on top of bedding to prevent chicks from eating bedding. Ample feeder and waterer space are critical. For the first week, provide 1 linear inch (in) of feeder and waterer space per chick increasing by ¼ in. weekly. Again, plan ahead. If your chicks are going to be in the brooder for 3 weeks, you’ll need 1 ½ in. of feeder and waterer space per bird. If using nipple waterers, allow 10-12 birds per nipple. For round feeders and waterers, allow ¾ in. per chick increasing ¼ in. weekly.
Choosing the right bedding will help set your chick’s up for success. There are many different bedding options available. Fertrell has seen the best results with dried sphagnum peat moss. Peat moss is 5 times more absorbent than pine shavings. It’s naturally antimicrobial because of its low pH. Bacteria and protozoa that cause diseases like coccidiosis and viral arthritis have a difficult time living in peat moss, which should help prevent diseases. The only downfall to peat moss is that it’s very dusty. And let me tell you it is dusty! However, the dustiness does not affect chick’s respiratory system. While the dustiness is annoying and you’ll have to clean out the waterers more often, chick health will make peat moss worth the dust. Note: this is a personal choice, I do also like pine shavings big flake if peat moss is not available.
Chicks are born with an instinctive pecking behavior. When they peck at the ground at a young age, they don’t know what they’re pecking at. If you lay paper or cardboard on top of bedding and mound feed on the cardboard along with providing ample feeder space, this will reduce chick’s eating shavings and will encourage them to find feed faster. Crops should be filled and refilled within the first 48 hours. Having more than 1-2% runts suggests chicks didn’t find feed soon enough. Give the chicks 2 hours after placing them in the brooder. After 2 hours come back in and check crop fill. Gently feel the crop using your thumb and pointer finger. If the crop is full, soft, and rounded, it means the chick has found feed and water. At 2 hours, you want 75% of chick’s crops filled. At 48 hours, you want 100% of chick’s crops filled.
Temperature and Lighting
Brooder temperature needs to be 95⁰F for the first week, and after day 8, start decreasing brooder temp 1⁰F daily until brooder temp reaches 75 degrees or outside temperature. Monitor brooder temp using a thermometer or digital infrared thermometer. I can’t stress enough the importance of brooder temperature. Chicks that get cold have higher mortality, impaired immune and digestive function.
Feed is also critical for success. Feed should be fresh, balanced, and accessible. Livestock perform best on feed that is within 10-14 days of being made. 30 days is the oldest feed should be. Once feed is ground, carbohydrates start to oxidize and go stale, which will reduce intake and affect performance. Never feed feed that is over 3 months old. Vitamins tend to be less stable and will deplete over time. Feed should also be balanced for the stage of growth and breed. Depending on the breed of broiler, you will need a 20-22% protein chick starter feed. Lastly, feed needs to be easily accessible. A chick’s eating habit is formed within the first 72 hours of life meaning the faster they find feed, the better they will eat and perform and grow. We sell fresh NON-GMO feed here at the farm and you can order online.
Health and Hygiene
Regularly monitor the health of your chicks, watching for any signs of illness or distress. Provide them with a clean and well-maintained living environment, ensuring that their bedding is changed frequently and their water is always fresh. It's advisable to consult a veterinarian experienced in poultry care for any health concerns.
Socialization and Enrichment
Chicks thrive with social interaction and mental stimulation. Spend time with them, gently handling and interacting with them to help them become accustomed to human contact. Additionally, offer enriching activities such as hanging treats for pecking, introducing small perches, and providing safe, non-toxic toys for entertainment.
Transition to Outdoors
As your chicks grow, they will gradually transition to outdoor living. Ensure that they have access to a secure and predator-proof coop and run, and gradually introduce them to their new environment under supervision. Monitor their adjustment and behavior, and provide appropriate protection from the elements as needed.
Raising chicks can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience when approached with care and attention to their specific needs. By following these guidelines and seeking guidance from reputable sources, you are well-equipped to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for your new feathered friends. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, our team at Sugar Feather Farm is here to support you every step of the way.
Note: This care guide is intended as a general resource and should not replace personalized advice from a qualified veterinarian or poultry specialist.
Wishing you a delightful journey in chick care,
The Sugar Feather Farm Team.